Monday, June 22, 2009

Guarding My Thoughts

We break down every thought and proud thing that puts itself up against the wisdom of God. We take hold of every thought and make it obey Christ.
- 2 Corinthians 10:5

What a pleasant surprise today’s verse is; a special gift. I have always believed in what other people say about the benefits of positive thinking. Sadly, it is one of the ever-present struggles in my life. I am, after all, a pessimist by nature; an almost-pathologic worrier.

Nowadays, I struggle with my fears and worries about my upcoming exam, the practice that I should be starting soon, my attacks of depression, and the biggest enemy of all, my tendency to be the worst critic of myself a.k.a. self-doubt. It therefore gives me immense comfort knowing that St. Paul himself acknowledges the importance of taking charge of one’s thoughts; perhaps he has struggled with his thought processes, too. (Everyday, I love St. Paul more and more).

In today’s reflection on Our Daily Journey, Beth Moore talked about spiritual strongholds. She defined a stronghold as “something that consumes so much of our emotional and mental energy that abundant life is strangled - our callings remain unfulfilled and our lives are virtually ineffective”. She then paraphrases St. Paul and reminds me that “the goal of our warfare (as stated in the verse above) is to steal back our thought life and take it captive to Christ instead”.

Today I take hold of my thought life and surrender it to Jesus. Amen.

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