Wednesday, June 3, 2009

(Minor) Change of Plan

Turns out there was a mix-up. Good thing the secretariat thought of sending me a text message to “remind” me of the upcoming deadline for submission of application for my exam. The actual date is much, much sooner than that which she had previously announced.

Because of the reminder, she also realized that she had forgotten to e-mail me the letter/list of requirements. When I finally got the e-mail, I panicked when I saw the attached list of topics/pointers for the exam.

I whined. I muttered words that I dare not use when the kids are around. I was flabbergasted. I panicked.

I thought of how, had I known about the list, I would have reviewed differently. Later on, after my (and hubby’s, too) anger has subsided, and after things have begun to sink in, hubby comforted me and warmly reassured me that 2 ½ months is enough time for me to do the things that need to be done.

I grabbed my files - review plan of action, schedule of readings - and mapped out the revisions so I can concentrate more on the topics on the list. I made a master list of all the important chapters in the book (65 out of 132) and tentatively wrote target dates beside each topic. In my obsessive-compulsive way, I tweaked my plan of action. I then paused and said to myself that all is well… I can do it… please help me, Lord.

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