Monday, June 1, 2009

To Shed and To Embrace

End of May, already! (Panic… umm… some more panic).

Yesterday, hubby and I were talking about our future. I expressed some concerns of mine about how uncertain everything in my future (and near-future) seems. This journey sometimes feels like a walk through the forest where no paths are laid and one has no idea which direction to go and what things or circumstances await.

This anxiety is getting more palpable with each passing day. I am guessing it is this anxiety that pushed me to fix my wallpaper two days ago. I took my fluke of a nice shot of the beach and added this text at the bottom:

“Do not worry. Learn to pray about everything. Give thanks to God as you ask Him
for what you need”. - Philippians 4:6.

That particular quote from Scripture somehow appeases my worries and fears, knowing that God is a God who keeps His word and fulfills all His promises.

Today I get another reassuring pat from God the Father. Today’s verse, again from St. Paul (I love St. Paul!), goes like this:

“God can give you all you need. He will give you more than enough. You will have
everything you need for yourselves. And you will have enough left over to give
when there is a need.” - 2 Corinthians 9:8

I noticed that there was no condition attached to the verse. It did not say that God can give me all I need if I just pray an hour everyday or keep from being grumpy. I also figured that need may not necessarily be limited to material things; my needs include health, peace and contentment, a fulfilling career.

And then I read the reflection on Our Daily Journal. It said the happiest person in the world is the righteous person.

“Righteousness is not cod liver oil you have to swallow. Righteousness is
shedding all of the things that make you miserable and embracing fully the path
that God has laid out that leads to peace, joy, and fulfillment”.

I pray to the great Holy Spirit for the grace and strength:
- to shed all the things that make me miserable, and
- to FIND the path God has laid out for me so that I can fully embrace it.

Addendum: Hubby and I heard Mass about an hour ago. Turns out today is the Pentecost. ☺

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