Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Shoo, green-eyed monster!

I’m happy to have met up with my friend (my daughter's godmother) twice this week. It was great laughing over old times and having a glimpse of life in the U.S. of A. She showed me pictures of beautiful places and a picture or two of a high school crush of mine (at least the back of his head) and his wife (no kids). They have a big house in California, really nice… 5 bedrooms and 3 nice cars. It really shows that they’ve been doing really well out there. I felt a tinge of… of… envy. Mahirap aminin pero that was how I felt.

Then I saw my friend’s nice laptop. A really nice, sleek, compact, classy Lenovo silver laptop. Ganda. Naka-windows XP kaya ang bilis din tumakbo on 1 gig. So there I was looking at her really nice pictures of really nice places on her really nice laptop and suddenly, I felt it again!
E-N-V-Y. Sorry, Lord. An hour or two later I was at the back of a taxi cab being driven by a reckless person, on the way home to our humble apartment. Suddenly, life didn’t seem that great.

Then I came to the kids’ room and they jumped out from their beds with really big grins and “Mommy!”s looking very pleased to see me. I got nice little hugs and the two girls were very happy with their pasalubong from Ninang. Kuya proudly showed me his “artwork” of scraps of crayons taped to a pad of paper. All of sudden, life was great again!

Then I got downstairs and called my boss to endorse back some of her patients. She thanked me and I felt this big gush of relief in my chest. I then proceeded to open an early birthday present from Tita J (aquamarine blouse) and admired this small potted fortune plant from Tita A. It’s perfect for my study desk. Great for resting tired eyes from the monotony of reading/studying.

I then went upstairs and turned on my laptop to write all these thoughts and I suddenly realized how very blessed I am to have my own personal computer, a laptop that works well and serves me well. It may be cracked on the hinges and too wide and heavy but it is mine, I can use it for work and leisure, the kids and hubby can play games on it, and I paid for it with my sweat and blood. It really felt great.

Lord, thank You for all the wonderful blessings that You keep showering on me. Blessings great and small. Help me to always keep my eyes open to the wonders around me and to be happy for the wonders that friends have as well.

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