Thursday, July 30, 2009

Introducing my constant companion... tinnitus!

For the last twenty-four hours, I have been battling with this constant high-pitched ringing/hissing in my left ear. It sounds like the noise a microphone makes when it gets too close to the speaker. Or like those high-pitched, non-stop sounds certain bugs make in the dark. There’s also this sensation of fullness, pretty much like having a cup over my ear. When I get up from sitting or from bed, or when I make sudden motions with my head, I feel light-headed, similar to the sensation one gets when you’ve been in the ocean for too long and you get out of the water but still sense the waves gently pushing you back and forth. No… that’s much too pleasant. It feels more like the feeling I get after I’ve drunk more than 2 bottles of beer (or its equivalent).

I know it’s not that bad compared to what other people have to deal with. I am not in pain. I can still move around and am happy to stay independent in my daily chores. I still have my appetite, and it’s expected to, ahem, be ‘enhanced’ in the next couple of days because of the steroids I’m taking. Upon my sister and husband’s advice, I am forced to take the day off of my review and try not to stress myself, as studies have shown that Meniere’s can be stress-related (what illness isn’t, anyway?).

So, it sure is not life-threatening but it has forced me to move outside of my comfort zone and to rearrange some of my plans. After having spent almost 8 hours of ‘hard labor’ at the library yesterday, I was eager to do the same amount of studying today. No can do. The doctor has also advised me to limit my salt intake. Now, that is a tough one! Despite the odds, it is a resolve I intend to keep; a resolution I made after my sister and I had KFC hot and crispy for lunch (one last hirit!).

For now I have kept myself busy, typing and whining and trying my best to forget about the exam for a few more hours. I take a deep breath. And let go and let God.

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