Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Accomplishments (for the day)

I have written a page but stopped myself when I noticed I have been ranting, beating myself up and “crying” over spilled milk. So I hit the delete button and now proceed to listing down things I have accomplished today:

1. Spent 6 hours at the library with a 1-hour break in between
2. Had some fun at the bookstore, buying supplies for my index card hack; some handy-dandy notebooks for the kids, too.
3. Got home just in time before the rain poured and beat rush hour in the process
4. Spent some time catching up with the kids (and yayas, too) about what had transpired during the day
5. Ate was feeling sick - I gave her a sponge bath, lots of hugs, and helped her out while she threw up in the bathroom
6. Finished my index card hack (with an adorable blue carabiner… yehey!)
7. Burned 3 CDs full of songs for my sister and my newborn nephew
8. Relaxed a while watching Martha Stewart
9. Had a nice chat with hubby during dinner
10. Spent a moment stretching tight muscles - hamstrings, quads, back, etc.
11. Beat negativity… yehey!

Hey, some of these things deserve to be in my thanksgiving journal!

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