Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Another Departure

Tomorrow, another friend of mine is leaving for the U.S. She’s the third friend to leave for the same destination within the last 6o days.

Every time someone leaves, I feel like a small part of me dies. I cannot really explain it. Is it because I lose another of my few close friends? Does it make me feel sad to realize that many people feel the need to leave this country because they see no future in a government that cannot provide? Or is it simply because I feel left behind? I’m guessing it’s a little of each. There are times when settling here in this dry, patchy field feels pathetic compared to the greener grass that await on the other areas of the world.

And so I say a short prayer for my friend. I sigh a big sigh. I hope and fervently wish for nothing but the best for her. And silently, I pray that I, too, may find the greener areas left of this dry, patchy, barren field.

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