Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Home Sweet home

I cannot believe it’s been three and a half weeks since we’ve moved into our new home. Hubby and I are immensely grateful for this great blessing… I guess you can say it is our dream home for not too long ago all we could do was to dream about it. Praise God!

Which brings me to this/these other thing/s – boxes and boxes of stuff still waiting to be unpacked! All of us pitched in as we gradually unpacked the important stuff, mostly the kids’ clothes (and toys!) and kitchen things, some of my/hubby’s clothes, things that we really need to use everyday. But there’s so much more… the boxes of books that desperately need to be dusted and arranged on our brand new built-in bookshelves, my much-loved stash of school/office supplies, even my valuables that are meant to be stored in our locked drawers are stuck in one of our obscure-looking knapsacks and are begging to be unpacked.

The kids still have a blast from playing with dirt (soil) and touching each and every makahiya leaf. We love to stroll and visit one (or all) of the three pocket gardens that the developer has so generously provided for the village. The sounds of the kuligligs are still a thrill. And the bugs! I am still in awe of the countless species of insects that I have seen in and around our home. Thank goodness there have been no mosquitos nor cockroaches. But we’ve seen gamu-gamo, dragonflies, ladybugs, what looked like a weird praying mantis, a yellow-striped wasp-looking insect that kept building his home made of mud right on our front door (once, even on my car window!) and a lot more. Sadly, there are also houseflies… they come in usually at lunch time and swarm over our dining table… eew (I know).

Since we’ve moved here, it seems like I never run out of errands. Grocery shopping weekly. Palengke weekly (I am still ecstatic over this palengke; tilapia na humihinga pa, grabe. And fruits, fruits, fruits). Driving to the water station for refill. Bookstore, bookstore. Driving around here in this area south of Manila is a walk in the park compared to city-driving. I am enjoying every bit of it.

More stories soon!

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