Sunday, October 4, 2009

On the eve of my first day of practice

I sit here in my room. A room once shared with my one and only sister. The room of my childhood. Much has changed compared to how it was some 25 years ago. There is less clutter. None of the countless pillows that our beds used to have.

Funny how lonely I feel being here by my lonesome, quiet self. As I sit here amidst the stillness, I realize with much amazement how big my world has grown. Whereas before I had nobody but my parents, my sister, and my school (and all the people that came with it), I now have a husband and three children. People who are now four hours away from me. People who mean the world to me.

God has been very generous. I am on the verge of the realization of a life-long dream. Tomorrow is the first day of my private practice. The anxiety, even nervousness, that I feel is real. And yet I find comfort in the white coat that now stares back at me as it hung on my bedroom door. It bears my name and the field that I’ve chosen. It bears witness to God’s generosity. Proof of how one’s dreams, once so distant and almost out-of-reach, can slowly come true.

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