Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Old Dog, New Tricks

I wanted to write about how tiring yet fulfilling today has been. A few interesting things have happened and I can’t wait to tell you about it. But now, I have this huge headache… so I’ll just proceed with jotting down the things I learned today…

Today, I learned…

1.… how to encash a check.
2.… how to deposit a check.
3.… how to commute to PDEA (LRT – MRT – tricycle)
4.… that one can walk from PDEA to East Avenue Medical Center to BIR (and still live to tell her story)
5.… that the building I sketched for an assigned art project 21 years ago from my high school dormitory window was, and still is, the BIR building
6.… that one needs to go to the BIR branch where the TIN was first registered in order to get the TIN card
7.… that the TIN card, previously unheard of, is now essential in many government transactions (sigh, as if things aren’t difficult enough)
8.… that carbon paper still exists (and is being sold in pack of 10’s at NBS)
9.… that it is okay to ask for directions. (Today alone, I have asked for directions from more than half a dozen security guards, a lola selling suha on a kariton, a parking attendant, and a few salesclerks).
10.… that people are almost always willing to help.
11.… that nothing boosts the kids’ creativity like 4 new jars of Play-Doh
12.… that Company B will stop selling khaki shorts soon (and so the rest of their stocks are now on a half-price sale…yey!)

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