Thursday, February 26, 2009

Temper, temper

Today is Ash Wednesday. Went to mass at 12nn at the chapel nearby, prayed the rosary (tagal nang hindi) and had my ash on my forehead. Skipped lunch as I was trying to adhere to “one full meal a day” as mentioned by the priest. Sadly, I was not able to resist opening my big pack of chippy come mid-afternoon. And as if that were not enough, I ate a heap of Flat Tops tonight fast. So much for fasting.

While praying in the chapel, I contemplated on my many weaknesses and made a promise to God and myself that as an offering to Him, I will do my best to keep my temper especially when dealing with the kids (and hubby and the yayas, too). Definitely not easy. Just this afternoon, the Little One went out of her way to make sure she (repeatedly!) irked me by touching, rearranging, messing around with my book, highlighters, review paraphernalia. She holds up a pen, strikes a pose – as if she is about to make a big doodle on my book – and looks over her shoulder to make sure I see her. Sigh. I warn… she does it again. I give a second warning, my voice slightly raised… she does it again. I give a third warning – with an even louder voice… she does it again! Not until I yell and stomp my feet and motion to her that I’m bringing her down to the step (for a time-out) that she stops. By then I would be mad, tired, and frustrated, not only at her but at myself as well.

On a brighter note, shea was kind enough to put up with me while I watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. She laid quietly in my arms, hugging me once in a while, asking a few questions (why is the baby crying?), then decided to go downstairs because she was bored and more than ready for her snack.

Kuya and Ate never cease to amaze me every day with the things they say. Marunong na magkwento. Kuya brought home a perfectly scored schoolwork on things that start with the letter J; says he got a “smiling lightbulb” for it. Ate was excitedly telling me (with big, round eyes) that their school snack had ants “Winow (You know) Mommy, our snack had ants”. Oh… did she eat them, I asked? “NO!” looking so disgusted that I asked such a thing ;)

I’ve been slowly making progress on my review. Finished reading Part II and am about to start Chapter 19. Quite a feat for me considering that it’s been a long time since I last studied hard like this (January of 2005). Not that of a feat considering that my goal is to read all 132 chapters of my book twice over before the exam in July. That plus a few review books/test questionnaires and the review for my practical exam. Go forth steadily and surely… one day at a time. In the meantime, I have to see tonight’s episode of CSI (new season). I can see my guardian angel striking her/himself on the forehead… tigas ulo nitong batang ito!

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